Seasonal vegetables in DECEMBER. 🥦

In December we already said goodbye to the year with a series of seasonal vegetables that will make our Christmas dishes full of flavor and also of color. 🍡

Winter vegetables consolidate and prepare the ground for us to enter a slower and more nutritious kitchen that provides us with internal heat. At the same time, the cold invites yo ...

Fruit of the month of December. 🍍 🍅

Autumn advances and places us at the gates of winter, which will start towards the end of the month. The landscape in the garden is transformed little by little, still without giving up most of the fruits and vegetables typical of the autumn season. 😎

By this time the queens are already oranges, which are beginning to get sweeter and h ...

How to do box breathing and reduce stress? 😵

 How to lower stress fast?

Deep breathing is one of the best ways to reduce stress on the body. 😉

This is because when you breathe deeply, your body sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message to the body. Those factors that occur when you are stressed, such as an increased heart ra ...

The 30 phrases that motivate you to eat healthy. 😏

Eating healthy is not as easy as we would like and we know that, with the rhythm of life, it is sometimes impossible to eat well. Less healthy foods like soda, potato chips, pizza, white bread and others can only cause us health problems. 🍕

Trying to know a balanced diet is one that provides us with all the nutrients we need for the op ...

7 seasonal vegetables in NOVEMBER. 🥦🥬

November is a great month for vegetables, the season begins for artichokes, thistle, cauliflower and peas. Many vegetables and greens that used to be in the summer run out and already in the cold season we find weapons against colds. 🥶

Taking these seasonal products will make you avoid falling into most of them (if not all) by consumin ...