5 tips to improve your mental health 🤓

Mental health is the part of general health that we sometimes do not pay the necessary attention to. We tend to pay more attention to physical health and as a consequence some problems may appear. 🧠

If we maintain healthy lifestyle habits because they improve our physical condition, we must know that they also improve our mental condit ...

3 benefits of cucumber 🥒

One of the most refreshing foods that we normally eat in salad is cucumber. 🥒

Cucumber is a nutritious vegetable, because it is low in calories, rich in water, minerals and antioxidants, so its intake provides various health benefits such as promoting weight loss, keeping the body ...

3 important tips to achieve inner well-being. 😌

Everything that you show on the outside is a reflection and an expression of your inner world. For example, the smile is a facial sample of the inner illusion, in the same way, the cry is a clear expression of the emotional pain. 🥺

Therefore, in order to give the best of yourself t ...

4 tips for a healthy life 🧐

It is enough to modify some habits to enjoy a full and healthy life. 🙆

The important thing is to get us to get used to these good habits in the long term. For example, reducing a little or removing the sugar from the coffee that we drink in the morning does not have a great change ...

🧠 How are the intestines related to the brain?

The gut or “second brain” can function on its own and communicate with your real brain. They are mainly connected in two ways: 

–  Physically: The vagus nerve, which controls messages to the gut and to the ...