What are the benefits of meditation? 😔

Meditation is a training for the mind and heart, offering greater emotional freedom. 💓

With specific techniques, meditation applies a series of practices that seek relaxation, as well as greater control of the mind, which is generally vulnerable to external situations and acts unde ...

🌿 4 benefits of oregano 🌿

Oregano has become an important herb in international cuisine. It has also been used in the medicinal field for thousands of years. 🌌

Despite its excellent smell, oregano not only provides flavor to food, it also has a wide range of beneficial properties for health:

1) Antib ...

How many hairs fall out per day? 👦

Hair is always in a continuous regeneration process. Each hair lives between 2 and 6 years and goes through a series of phases, the capillary life cycle, which are growth, stagnation and loss. 

It is estimated that a person can have an average of one hundred thousand hairs, of whic ...

The 3 benefits of a good nap. 😴

The human being is one of the few animals that sleeps only once a day. 😨

The rest alternate phases of sleep and wakefulness throughout the day. Some research indicates that primitive man was also primitive, but he abandoned that custom to adapt to increasingly rapid rhythms of life ...

Kiwi vs orange, which of the two has a higher contribution of vitamin C? 🍊🥝

Orange has always been considered a benchmark among fruits with vitamin C, right?🤔

However, in our particular duel we have to say that the kiwi wins the battle indisputably. The recommended daily amount of vitamin C is 80 mg. Well, an orange has 53 mg of vitamin C per 100 g while th ...